Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the final project: rose seidler house . . .

The final assessment for this rotation was extremely enjoyable to compete. I found the Rose Seidler House (Architecture: Harry Seidler) interesting to learn about and despite its relatively square like appearance it contains many crucial architectural concepts such as the free standing fire place which have come to be in a wide range of houses today. It was indeed time consuming drawing the plans, sections and elevations onto my three A2 sized sheets however it taught me many important aspects of architectural drawings such as title headings, north point, rendering walls so that one may differentiate what is in section and what is not. That was an important lesson i gained from this workshop. When drawing a section one must explicitly highlight by blackening out etc what is in section so that it is seen by the viewer. Overall it was a great assignment to work on. Below are my three A2 posters: 

The 1st Poster (Far Left of Composition - Contains Plans):

The 2nd Poster (Middle of Composition - Contains Sections + Elevations):

The 3rd Poster (Far Right of Composition - Contains 3D Perspective Drawing):

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